Interesting choice of 10 skills you have to learn as soon as possible.
Let’s take this advice from the people that has something to show so we can argue that they know what they are talking about, right?
OK, so a list of 10 skills that are hard to learn but will pay off forever. The list and a video was done by Evan Carmichael and I just have to add that I couldn’t agree more about everything. When I found this video it really resonated with me so take 20 minutes of your time and watch. It might change your life!
- SPEAKING up (public speaking by Warren Buffet)
- Being HONEST with yourself (Mark Cuban)
- Having CONFIDENCE (by Robin Sharma)
- LISTENING (by Simon Sinek)
- MANAGING YOUR TIME (by Bishop T.D. Jakes)
- STOP WHINING (by Iyanla Vanzant)
- Staying PRESENT in the moment (by Mel Robbins)
- Being CONSISTENT (by Priyanka Chopra)
- Getting ENOUGH SLEEP (by Arianna Huffington)
- Having EMPATHY (by Meryl Streep)
PS: Saving that here for me to watch this regularly and maybe you should to 😉